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An excellent anti-bacterial oil that prevents

An excellent anti-bacterial oil that prevents dandruff is that of Neem, which prevents dehydration-induced frizz, breakage and split ends. Those with Kapha dosha usually have thick, wavy hair that is prone to dandruff. However, people with high blood pressure should not use rosemary,” she cautions. This can be nourished with cold-pressed sesame oil. Use the oils on a clean scalp the day you shampoo your hair, let it sit for two-three hours and then wash your hair the same day. To tackle hair fall, she recommends a diet rich in calcium, iron, Vitamin C, E, and B12.”Most experts advise you to ditch the chemicals and go for natural shampoos and conditioners that should be applied from root to tip. Supriya Arora Malik, founder of a brands, recommends plant-based pure cold-pressed oils but adds a word of warning, “Oiling your hair on a dirty scalp is the worst thing you can do to your hair.”She too recommends options depending on your hair type.


Take high-quality multi-vitamin with anti-oxidants and omega 3s in the form of fish or flaxseed oil, and at least two 500 mg capsules of borage or evening primrose oil,” Simrita suggests.Choose the right oil: Regardless of the season, the hair strands and roots always need their dose of oil nourishment. Jojoba oil moisturises hair, prevents dandruff and dry scalp and makes hair soft and shiny. “Essential oils are nature’s medicine and should be used carefully or in a readymade blended hair formulation. They can use Neem and Karanj-based natural oils to nourish the scalp and further strengthen roots. Natural oils are best to pamper the roots of your hair as they boost the moisture, revitalise dry strands and offer deep conditioning too. People with Vata dosha usually have coarse, brittle hair that breaks due to excessive dryness. It is ideal for dry, damaged or dull hair and those with dandruff and dry scalp issues.


Apart from these, Geranium oil, Onion Seed oil and Clay Sage oil work excellent for hair during monsoons and all year round,” informs Supriya.Grapeseed oil moisturises and conditions hair.e. bones, and healthy bones ensure healthy hair, informs Rajni Ohri, founder of an Ayurveda firm. “Argan oil protects hair against damage from UV rays and heat. It is ideal for dry, brittle, frizzy or coarse hair that is frequently styled and exposed to heat.. Essential oils such as Lavender also contain antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent a dry and itchy scalp. Beauty expert and co-founder of a natural brand, Simrita Singh, vouches for scalp massage with chemical-free oil and essential oils that can promote hair re-growth. The advent of the monsoon also sees lice breakouts in children, which can be prevented by using Neem oil too. It only adds to the damage rather than benefiting the hair.


“The Ayurvedic approach is very holistic,” explains Ohri as she adds, “People with fine, soft and thin hair usually have a Pitta constitution so, oils to prevent hair fall must be cooling and nourishing like cold-pressed coconut oil.Adopt the Ayurvedic approach: Ayurveda believes that hair derives its nourishment from Asthi Dhatu i. “Brush your hair every Small broom with dustpan morning with a naturally bristled brush, which can stimulate your hair follicles. In addition, it blocks the production of DHT, a hormone that causes hair loss. It is helpful in fighting dandruff and reduces scalp inflammation in those who suffer from dermatitis. Rosemary and peppermint essential oils are amazing


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