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The burglary was reported from Tanmay

The burglary was reported from Tanmay Seth’s residence in Anand Lok, near the Siri Fort Complex, on Sunday night, said a senior police officer.The Seth family had gone to attend a marriage at around 9 pm on Sunday and certain lapses by the family facilitated access of the burglars into the bungalow, the police said.The theft was discovered when the family returned from the marriage ceremony in the early hours of Monday.In one of the perhaps biggest residential burglaries reported in the national capital, thieves decamped with valuables, including diamond jewellery worth Rs 3 crore and also took Rs 60,000 in cash from a bungalow near Defence Colony in South Delhi.”The incident was reported around 4 am on Monday and the family told the police that the main gate was left open so that they didn’t have to wake up anyone when they returned.Two maids and a servant, employed by the family, were present in the bungalow and were reportedly sleeping at the time of the burglary.The bungalow did not have any security arrangements — there was no security guard posted at the gate and no CCTVs were installed either inside or outside the bungalow.A forensic team has collected fingerprints from the place to screen suspects and the police is working on CCTV footage of nearby areas to get a clue about the burglars.The thieves are believed to have entered a bedroom on the first floor of the bungalow through the open window and collected the valuables and jewellery kept in an almirah there, the police said.. A window of the house was not bolted and the thieves had an easy entry,” said Nupur Prasad, additional DCP-I (South). Mr Seth is son-in-law of Jet Airways vice-president (security) Avneet Singh.The maids and servant and locals, including security guards of the residential complex, have been thoroughly questioned by the police, but so far there have been China Gate opener Factory no clues about the burglars


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