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Solar are great concepts for permanent

If the device is portable however, there is just no way to know that and therefore, it would be impossible to count on the device to produce enough power to do you any good.When the turbine is viewed as semi-permanent, the concept may work.The most important reason is that you need to be able to count on portable power to deliver.

However, if you are thinking that you can take a wind turbine on a camping trip and have enough power supplied to take care of your needs there, that is where the argument breaks down and the technology is not up to speed yet.

These are the reasons why you will want to wait and not purchase a portable wind turbine yet…

When we are talking about the concept of portability, there are probably at least 2 scenarios to consider – semi-permanent situations and those that are truly portable. As cut-in speeds on these devices decrease, portability will be an increasingly more practical thing to consider for renewables. Even if you know that you are going to be in a location where there is a lot of wind, you may end up having to take the time to optimize where you place it and even then you cannot count on it supplying the power you are expecting or needing. You have to be in a very strong wind environment to operate a wind turbine successfully and cooling boxes factory produce any appreciable amount of power.

Everyone in the renewable arena these days is thinking about other ways to monetize this concept and the portable wind turbine is certainly a manifestation of that desire. Although we would like to think we could power everything in our world with wind or solar, the technology just isn’t there yet for it to work in all cases. In that case, you would do your homework about where to install it and you would take the time to optimize the situation. For now, they are just interesting toys. That usually involves detailed analysis of the microclimate where you are wanting to install the device.

For a wind turbine to make very much power though, it needs to be in a solid wind environment with average speeds over 9 mph.

Summarizing – practically speaking, wind and solar are great concepts for permanent or semi-permanent environments but the idea of a portable wind turbine just has too many locational limitations to be of very much good yet.In the case of the portable home wind turbine specifically, it might be placed anywhere..

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