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Plenty of time to let you make your escape

The energy stored in the baton is dumped into the attacker’s muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly.The length of the Telescopic Stun Baton expands from thirteen inches to twenty one inches with the push of a button. It may make an assailant unwilling to continue an attack, but he will be able to get up almost immediately. A moderate blast of 1 to 4 seconds will cause an attacker to fall to the ground and result in some mental confusion. This rapid work cycle instantly depletes the attacker’s blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. The Telescopic Stun Baton is a rechargeable stun baton that has a long, telescopic shaft that is electrified, which give you a distinct advantage over standard stun guns.

A full charge of 5 seconds can immobilize an attacker, cause disorientation, loss of balance, fall to the ground, and leave them weak and dazed for some minutes afterward. Plenty of time to let you make your escape. When you push the fire button, the entire shaft will crackle with electricity.The stun baton also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. With any stun baton, you should not push the button unless you are making Sintered Metal Parts Factory contact with a person, as repeated firings in the air will damage the device; kind of like dry firing a baton. If he tries to grab the shaft, it will shock him and he will let go.Stun guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes. Anywhere you touch the shaft to the attacker’s body, it will go through his clothes and the electricity will enter his body and start to immobilize him.

The stun baton does not rely on pain for results.The Telescopic Stun Baton is a very interesting self defense device that is primarily for home defense, though it can be carried in a holster for use outside the home. In short, he is unable to produce energy for his muscles, and his body is unable to function properly. It is one of the best choices for a stun baton, as it gives women or smaller men an advantage against a larger attacker. It actually looks like a small Star Wars weapon.That’s our report on What Is A Telescopic Stun Baton. . Should the attacker be touching you, the current will NOT pass to your body!A shock of 1/4 second will cause minor muscle contractions and have a repelling effect.In order to get a good shock when you use a standard stun gun, you have to be right next to the attacker to make contact with the electrodes on the person’s torso or hips.

When the attackers neuromuscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun baton he loses his balance.When you fear you are in danger, pull out the Telescopic Stun Baton, expand the shaft, and you have a non-lethal self defense weapon that will shoot 800,000 shocking volts anywhere the shaft makes contact with the attacker. With 800,000 volts shooting out the end, it will stop the most aggressive attacker and give you time to run to safety. You don’t have to get right next to the attacker to shock him, thus reducing your chance of being grabbed. The electricity will go through ½ inch of clothing, and will not pass through him and hurt you; it stays in the attacker’s body. With the Telescopic Stun Baton, an electrified metal shaft extends from about three to eight inches and you can keep the attacker at arms reach, instead of having to be close to them where they could take a stun gun


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