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choose things that are the most comfortable

It is so much more comfortable for a  Beautiful Fat Ass Babe to go to a store where there is an abundance of things that will fit her. Wed like to be crystal clear here. Luna Luz has a tie skirt that would make any  feel like a million bucks. They know that we will wear what were comfortable in and that its none of their business. It means choosing outfits that boost our confidence and remind us that we are actually NOT operating with a handicap. Jennifer Hudson, Queen Latifah, That girl America who is Ugly Betty. Come join us. There are size s out there whose cellulite would defy the doubleknits they try to force us B-FABs into. It means you find the beauty and the gifts in who you are as you are. In summer, for gods sake, try linen. Lets make it our mission to stand up and show that B-FABs are quite stunning just as we are. Its not about conforming your tastes to what the media has created.

Linen wrinkles in a way that works unless you’re on Daytime TV wearing the horrifying outfit with the linen jacket that Janette chose when we taped the Tyra Banks show sometimes we all make mistakes.  Loose and Cynthia Ashby to name just a few. If thats what you think you may be missing the point of embracing your big fat ass. Dressing Bonded Fabrics + Interlock+TPU+Check Fleece the  butt can be a fabulous experience if you can just stop criticizing yourself long enough to notice how good you can look. We do, however, hold many plus size fashion manufactures criminally liable for some of the fabrics they try to foist on us.Do you know what clothing is for? Its to make you feel good about yourself. If you happen to have a stomach that is kind of like a big jiggly bowling ball beneath your belt, it might not be the best choice to wear knit pants and a stretchy little t-shirt with a bare mid-riff. There was a reason why that happened and if you come to our website and ask, well tell you.

Have you noticed how the thin people always have an opinion on what you should wear and whether you should feel comfortable in a locker room or at the beach? friends dont do that to us. We can be as hot as anyone else. Our B-FAB friends trust that we have a mirror and that we know what we look like. B-FAB power rules. Is this a conspiracy? Have the hard-body young-ones decided to flush the adipose carriers out in the open with this flammable synthetic we call double-knit turquoise pants. Embracing your ass when it comes to fashion means that instead of wearing the fashions that look best on Paris Hilton that we choose things that are the most comfortable and flattering for us. Double-knit polyester doesnt look good on anyone not even a S-FAB Skinny Fat Ass Babe. Is about inhabiting our bodies with pride and finding the look that makes us feel like who we want to be. There was a time when you could maybe catalogue order from Lane Bryant or Newport News but you couldnt walk into a nice shop and find a gorgeously styled outfit that was cut for your body type.

If you can afford to go up a notch from the chain stores to boutiques there are finally fashion lines that create gorgeous clothes with great styling and fabrics. It means that you recognize that there is a bias in this country that only calls thin beautiful. Now you can.B-FABs look best in natural fabrics. Lets face it  anyone looks best in natural fabrics. Plus size clothing is now so much more available that it was back when we were little. Dont do this to yourself. There are chain stores galore  Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug Plus, Catherines, Chicos. There is no reason to look or feel that way. Since Janette wont wear a bathing suit or form fitting clothes she has been questioned about whether or not she does, in truth, embrace her  wonderful to go into a store filled with women who look like she does instead of being the one lone fat girl hoping to find something in the Junior department at Macys. Embracing your BFA doesnt mean that you convince yourself that you look like Jessica Simpson. Its loose, light, cool and shows its own wrinkles instead of your dimples.Im tired of thin people telling me what to do, is Janettes new motto. Lots of B-FAB are infiltrating the pop culture making more and more room for the rest of us.


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