truckrvs @truckrvs ?

activo hace 3 años, 1 mes
  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: There will be no need to get the services   hace 3 años, 1 mes · Ver

    That is why taking up safety measures in mini jeep manufacturers handling a motorcycle will prove to be useful.. Not only in the state of California but in other places as well. These tips should be followed or observed.If you are still unsure, the best safety precaution in riding a motorcycle is to take a Motorcycle […]

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: Zhenhua RV Burner-ZH-2B   hace 3 años, 3 meses · Ver

    MiniaturaRV Burner

    Rated heat load: 6.70MJ/HR
    Airflow pressure: 2.75KPa
    Dimension(length*width*height): 478mm*369mm*87mm
    Hole size (length*width*chamfer): 466mm*358mm*R70
    Texture: Stainless steel, toughened glass

    Burner stove number: Two
    Ignition mode: Electronic pulse type
    Air intake mode: Upward wind

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: The lubricating oil should be strictly controlled between the upper   hace 3 años, 4 meses · Ver

    1. Add lubricating oil in time. If the lubricating oil is not added in time, the engine oil level is too low, which will cause the engine oil temperature to be too high and cause poor lubrication. At this time, when the motorcycle is going up and downhill or driving on the winding mountain road, […]

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: This coating is usually applied to the friction surface of shaft parts   hace 3 años, 5 meses · Ver

    but also prevents the main parts from rusting. 3. Functional coating: This coating is usually applied to the friction surface of shaft parts, engine cylinders and piston rings. Chrome plating is generally used to increase the wear resistance of the main parts. 4. Other coatings: In the production of tires, in order to increase the […]

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: This check is as important as the clearance check   hace 3 años, 6 meses · Ver

    If the gap standard value is still not reached after adjusting the grip nut, lift the bracket that fixes the cable adjustment nut up. After the adjustment is complete, start the engine and check whether the gear shift is smooth, clean, slippery, or abnormal noise. If there is a problem, further inspection should be conducted […]

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: C photos should not have a big problem with this problem   hace 3 años, 6 meses · Ver

    When you are waiting for the red light, the car is in neutral and the clutch is loose. The light turns green, you pull the clutch, step on the first gear, dizzy, why can’t you step in? When the horn behind blows, your head will grow bigger. Don’t worry, you should pull the clutch at […]

  • truckrvs ha escrito una nueva entrada en el blog: How to correctly adjust the motorcycle chain   hace 3 años, 7 meses · Ver

    Miniatura  (1) It is advisable to adjust the tightness of the Classic Motorcycle Manufacturers chain in a timely manner to keep the tightness of the motorcycle chain between 15mm and 20mm. Check the buffer body bearing frequently and add grease on time. Because the working environment of the bearing is harsh, once it loses lubrication, the damage […]

  • truckrvs ahora es un usuario registrado   hace 3 años, 7 meses · Ver