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If your meals are generally high in fat then its a good

3) Wash you Bed Sheets Every NightWhen you sleep your face is rubbing against the bed covers and spreading bacteria from your skin over your sheets and pillow cases.1) Wash You Face Daily With a Good Skin Friendly Face WashYou should wash you face 1-2 times a day with a good and kind Metal Fabrication Auto Motor Stamping Accessoriesface cleanser.4) Drink Lots of WaterDrinking lots of water will flush the bad toxins from your body and clear your skin from the inside. The main aim of this is to remove the dead skin cells that can attract bacteria which then cusses acne and spots.2) Use a Good Face Scrub Once a weekOnce every week you should use a good quality face scrub. The ingredients should be natural and be proven to work.11) Take a Daily Multi vitaminA daily Multi vitamin will ensure your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy and repair your skin12) Eat Lots of Fresh FruitEating lots of fresh fruit is one of the most common ways to improve your health and skin condition.7) Quit SmokingGiving up smoking will help to clear up your bad skin. Smoothies are also good as you can make them yourself at home. When you think about how bad it is, you are actually making it worse.This article talks about different ways to cure acne. This will help keep your face clear from bad bacteria and prevent spots. You should avoid scrubbing too hard or too often as this will make your skin condition much worse. Having acne and spots can cause lots of unhappiness and distress.10) Keep BusyKeeping busy will help to keep your mind off your skin. Living in a clean environment will prevent the spread of the acne causing bad bacteria6) Do Not Pick or Scratch Washing Machine Spin Motor with ISO9001 Your SkinAs hard as it may be, you must stop yourself from picking your spots as this will irritate and spread them and will make the problem much worse. You should wash your bed covers as often as possible. If your meals are generally high in fat then its a good idea to take fat binders to help you to lose weight and feel better about yourself.8) Do Not Drink AlcoholAlcohol will make your skin much worse so it is best to avoid alcohol until your skin improves9) Get Lots Fresh AirYou should get lots of fresh air to keep your body and skin healthy.5) Keep Good HygieneKeeping yourself clean and hygienic will help you to clear up your skin.13) Fat BindersFat Binders work by absorbing the fat content in the food you eat. It will also improve your mental alertness and mood. I have listed 13 ways to help to cure acne to try and help you overcome your bad skin. They normally absorb around 18% of the fat intake and they come as a supplement that you take with your meal. Aim for 5 pieces a day. Keep active and you will start to see big improvements

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