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A greyhound is a gentle dog

You may like to supersize your coffee and get extra toppings on your pizza, but when it comes to choosing a dog, bigger doesn’t always mean better. You aren’t sharing your bedroom with the neighbors, so why would you expect your dog to share his doghouse with the new dog? Consider the space and care needs of each dog when you bring a second or third dog into the family.

Size has everything to do with dog maintenance. Your huge dog also pushes around furniture like feathers.

If you have a secured balcony with solid, high railing, that may be enough outdoor time for a small dog, supplemented with at least one daily outdoor walk.

If you have more than one dog, regardless of breed, you need to provide sleeping space for each dog.

A greyhound is a gentle dog that’s also very quiet, which is good for attached living spaces. When there’s nothing to do and you’re running late, the large dog may decide to deconstruct the living room just for fun. The doggie stuff can take up far more space in your home than the dog does. They also need personal territory for sleeping, relaxing and hiding their toys or bones. Dog breeds differ by heritage in what they require. Don’t expect them to crowd together. A German Shepherd is a wonderful watch dog for your city apartment, but you must give that dog time in the park to run and be active every day. Other breeds (like toy dogs) make ideal “lap dogs,” enjoying the casual lifestyle without needing much space or time to run and play outdoors.

On the flip side, plenty of toy dogs take up their own closet in little designer costumes, knit sweaters and clever playthings. That cute, furry puppy that you fell in love with at the pet store that barely nibbles puppy chow, grows up to be a 120-pound St Bernard that will eat you out of house and home. But that gentle greyhound must have daily exercise in enough area to run and play. Smart pet product
If you’re too tired or lazy to give this beautiful dog the exercise it needs, then buy an alarm system, not a guard dog.

Some breeds, like hunters, are genetically programmed to crave the open spaces and outdoor exercise.

The size of your dog has to match the size of your living space. They need space just like you do.

To keep him in 8-10 scoops of high quality dog food daily, you’ll be spending the price of a daily steak dinner – only you don’t get to eat the steak.

Dogs that remain outdoors need their own doghouses to protect them while sleeping or in bad weather. They also have chic beds, including those that are canopied or French provincial. Greyhounds can run up to 45 mph, so you don’t want them turning your family room into a track for running. A toy dog like a poodle or Chihuahua is content in your apartment and requires less outdoor time. Don’t let the dog’s appearance or temperament fool you. Neither you nor the dog will be pleased with the result.


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