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The only shops thriving are the coffee shops

She already has a statue in Victoria Gardens right next to the House of Lords.In any case, an apparently a fail safe slimming pill is now available. The rain on Sunday did not dampen spirits. This year we have a battle of strong women characters. It did not really matter though — because though it happened in the UK, his arrival was a manufactured-for-India event. On cue, Sunday was rained off. Bodyguard is a serial about a woman home secretary plotting her rise to the top job with her bodyguard at her beck and call.Rivalling this show is the story of another ambitious woman — Becky Sharp — in Vanity Fair, a serialisation of William Makepeace Thackeray’s Victorian classic.Autumn always brings new programmes on TV. You can’t order coffee online and drink it sitting at home. Grab the remote. The House of Fraser is gone and now Homebase has faced a severe financial crisis.This is the centenary year for women’s franchise. What was banned earlier is now said to guarantee a longer life! So we will enjoy this new freedom before the experts change their minds again. It was another story of an immigration tragedy — as it had many who had come to London looking for the proverbial streets paved with gold, and instead, encountered death when the building burnt down. We can’t even say the “weather is changing” because the weather changes everyday! Often you have shades of winter, spring, summer and autumn on the same day! Though perhaps what we experienced was the tiny nudge of autumn.9 billion. Now there is a proposal to move her statue to the Regent’s University, formerly Bedford College, in Regent’s Park.

Then a new statue is also proposed on Canning Green right beside the statue of Lincoln. (Having said that I better be prepared for a barrage of trolling.Nothing very much happens during August as Parliament is shut and everyone is on holiday. Becky overcomes the limitations of her lower class birth and uses her charm to climb to the top of society.And trust Rahul Gandhi and his team to choose to come in the “silly season” when no one is around. It is strange how we hunt for heroines to celebrate, and then everyone falls out over honouring them with a statue… As the sisterhood is up in arms, one hopes it does not become as militant as the original movement was. So even if no one knew he had arrived in London, the “tweeples” who follow him and live in an alternate, virtual reality world felt their mission had been achieved. Sunday evenings are going to be agony as to which to choose. Monday was sunny — and brilliant costumes, music, food and dancing filled the streets. Largely to blame are online sales. But it is to the credit of TV producers who are still managing to get viewers — in a world where choices on the Internet abound!The new advice is that chocolate is good for you but only once a week.Bodyguard was shown over the August bank holiday and attracted nearly seven million viewers; Vanity Fair starts this weekend and hopes to catch up. Costa, which is a familiar sight on London’s streets, has hit the jackpot.

The only shops thriving are the coffee shops. Well — this is London — what do we expect? The mandatory umbrella-in-your-handbag, the layers of clothing were invented for the London weather.But they also observed a minute of silence for the victims of the Grenfell tragedy — the tall residential building with mostly struggling migrant families, which caught fire last year and led to possibly preventable deaths. Whitbread, the brewery company, bought it out for £19 China Spring machine Price million, 20 years ago, when it had 39 branches. It was started by two Italian brothers in Lambeth not far from where we live. It is finally a woman-centric serial, which is what everyone is scrambling to make. Brexit or no Brexit — holidays are important. And for many, the breaking news was that the August bank holiday last weekend signalled the end of summer. Now it has been bought up by Coca Cola for £3. But the advice for confused health faddists (like me) keeps changing all the time.)The Notting Hill Carnival which celebrates the arrival of Afro-Caribbean people to London on the ship Windrush is the nearest we have to Rio’s famous carnival. Over the years, Costa has become the most popular coffee shop with over 2,000 outlets. But how many statues should there be that is the question, as a fierce debate has broken out against moving the statue from Victoria Gardens. Blow hot, blow cold! Anyone for cappuccino frappe laced with Coke zero?. The statue of Millicent Fawcett in Parliament Square has been set up right next to that of Mahatma Gandhi. So when you are watching your favourite serial have a box by your side. Now it seems that eating red meat and cheese is also good for you. Have your chocolates and keep Lorcaserin handy. Lorcaserin has been tried and tested and apparently it works.Meanwhile fortunes keep changing on the High Street. But there was always a split among women about suffragists, as Emmeline Pankhurst is the militants’ favourite.This is also the silly season where the newspapers literally create news.


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