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All valuables should be removed from your vehicle and it should

If you do not have one of these, keep a disposable camera in your vehicle. If you can do so safely, take photographs of all vehicles from various angles. Photograph the street scene, including traffic control devices such as stop signs, yield signs, or stoplights. Be sure to photograph any skid marks or any physical objects such as stop signs, light poles, or guardrails that may have been struck by a vehicle. Take photographs of the other driver’s passengers and witnesses if possible. If your cell phone has the capacity to make videos, take several of these showing the entire scene. If you are physically unable to make these photographs, ask someone to make them for you.7. Have yourself examined completely and carefully by a armature commutator competent health care provider.Even if you do not go to the hospital in an ambulance, you should never-the-less be checked out thoroughly by a doctor of your choice or in the Emergency Room.

You should do this even if you do not think you are hurt. Many times, the victim of a motor vehicle collision does not feel pain initially and does not they he or she is hurt. Later, however, these victims begin to experience a great deal of pain, discomfort and stiffness. It is not always easy for a wreck victim to determine if he/she has suffered broken bones or other serious injuries. That is why you should be checked out thoroughly. After the collision, you should go to the hospital before you go anywhere else. If you delay medical treatment, the insurance company will argue that you must not have been hurt and that, otherwise, you would have gone to the Emergency Room or to be seen by a doctor immediately.8. Report the collision to the other driver’s liability insurance company.Do not assume that the other driver will report this collision to their insurance company.

You should put the other driver’s insurance company on notice immediately so that they will have the opportunity to examine the facts of the collision. You should also notify your own insurance company of the wreck even though you do not intend to make a claim under that policy.9. Check your own insurance policies.As soon as you are physically able, be sure to check your own insurance policies, as well as the insurance policies of any member of your household. It could be that there are benefits that you can recover from these policies. There could be important additional benefits from your own insurance policy or the policy of a family member.You should find out about these benefits even though you are making a claim against the other drivers’ insurance policy. An example of these benefits are Med-Pay insurance, which will pay up to the limit of the Med-Pay coverage for all of your medical expenses.  It is important to check your policy for uninsured motorist coverage and under insured motorist coverage which is discussed elsewhere in this book.10. Give contact information to the other drivers.

You should give your name, address, phone number, and the name of your insurance policy to all other drivers. However, be careful not to make any statements about the facts of the wreck, how it occurred, whose fault it was, or any other matter to the other driver(s). Of course, you should talk fully and truthfully to law enforcement officers, as well as health care providers.11. Secure your car.If you go to the hospital in an ambulance, be sure that your car is secure and that the contents of your car are safe. All valuables should be removed from your vehicle and it should be driven safely off of the road. You, of course, will not be able to do this yourself. However, you can ask someone (preferably a relative or a trusted friend) to do this for you. Many times the investigating law enforcement officer will help you with this. However, you need to discuss that issue with the law enforcement officer and be sure that your car is properly secure.


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