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Low angle wedge of foam especially designs

Another difference between standard lounge wedges and the pillow designed for acid reflux is that the wedge lifts the body from near the hip rather than just holding up the shoulders. I’ve been rudely awakened in the middle of the night with an incredibly painful burning sensation in my throat, with acids almost coming up from where they shouldn’t. The long, slim wedge shape of a pillow used for acid reflux control can make your life so much better and the prices are very affordable!

You can usually fit your reflux pillow into a standard king size pillow case and sleep peacefully knowing that there won’t be any painful burning waking you up in the middle of the night. Those wedges will hold your upper body much too high and possibly prevent sound sleep.

Stomach acid is able to escape into the esophagus when the valve controlling the stomach opening does not work properly for whatever reason.

This can be the result of age, poor health, lack of muscle condition, or even eating too China Marilyn Chair L Factory close to bed time. Disgusting and pretty scary too. The low angle wedge of a pillow designed specifically for acid reflux patients will allow you to sleep soundly without being in an upright, uncomfortable position.

An acid reflux pillow is a simple, low angle wedge of foam especially designs to hold the upper body up just enough to allow gravity to hold stomach acid in place. These pillows are not the wedge "lounge" pillows that you may have at home.

Acid reflux pillows help people who suffer from this painful disorder be able to sleep comfortably and awaken without painful burning in their chest- or worse. If you’ve gone through this too, and your doctor has told you that you have acid reflux, or GERD, then this pillow may really help you..

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