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This code can vary but it has three common elements

Gawande says, ‘individuals respond to new ideas in one of three ways. Or even how many times we have changed people’s mind-set. One must be willing to recognise the inadequacies in what one does and seek solutions and thereby improvement. She was gone. Her physical and neurological examinations were normal. For than a week, she lay comatose. She had fallen into an icy fishpond. It need not be a treatise or long essay but just your small observation about your world. If he succeeds, he may well play a bigger role in healthcare administration. The first is – Ask an unscripted question. An emergency rescue team arrived at the scene eight minutes later and found the girl unresponsive. He has now an unique opportunity to put his ideas into practice and to change the way healthcare is structured, paid for and distributed. A miracle recovery after the girl lay for over two hours in a condition that would have once been considered death? ‘No’ says, Gawande. This code can vary but it has three common elements. She had no blood pressure, no pulse and she was not breathing. The parents momentarily lost sight of the girl and that was all it took. Two weeks after her accident, she went home. To this we must also add the efforts of CPR started initially by the parents after the girl was pulled out of the pond and then continued heroically by the paramedics, through the helicopter ride, on the stretcher being wheeled into the operating room and right up to the point where the girl was hooked up into the heart-lung machine. In his book, ‘Better’ Gawande comes up with five suggestions that can better our individual performance not just in medicine but also in other fields as well. This could lead to a more positive relationship. A scan showed global brain swelling so the team went one step further.In The Checklist Manifesto, Atul Gawande, the noted US-based surgeon of Indian origin, speaks about an accident in the Austrian Alps and a miraculous recovery. The team tried to shift her from the bypass machine to a mechanical ventilator but the pond water and debris had damaged her lungs so severely that oxygen would not reach her blood. First is an expectation of selflessness, that we accept responsibility China High speed machine parts Wholesale for others, whether we are doctors, lawyers, teachers, public officials, soldiers or pilots, we will place the needs and concerns of others above our own. Her heart was the first organ to come back. By the next day, her lungs had recovered sufficiently for the team to switch her from the ECMO to a mechanical ventilator. Fourth – write something. Her speech was thick and slurry. By the two hour mark, however, her body rose by almost ten degrees, and her heart began to beat. Fifth – change. Most become late adopters.


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