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The fall out is diseases like diarrhea and other

So, there is need for pure water. But the big question is do we have enough pure water left on earth? More importantly how safe is our water? The answer is worrisome. Reports have revealed that in most areas of the third-world countries, water pollution has reached its peak due to excessive industrial discharge and tremendous growth in human population. Thousands of chemical compounds get into our water. Bacterial pathogens principally cholera is at the top of a list of a dozen “critical” contaminants that is taking lives of millions of people worldwide. The worst part is that numbers of toxic compounds have been discovered in wells of places like Miami.

The experts believe that number of deaths caused by cancer will increase. The report is the researched work of Robert Raucher who gave his view in the American Journal of Agriculture Economics. Deaths and diseases attributable to contaminated drinking water is a tremendous problem in almost every part of the globe. An estimated 76 million illness caused by food poisoning occur in the US each year. Most of the illness happens due to contaminated water. The fall out is diseases like diarrhea and other temporary disorders of the digestive tract. Nearly 325000 hospitalizations and 5000 deaths are reported each year. People most vulnerable are: pregnant and children.

Now the big question is how can you protect yourself from contaminated water? The answer lies in water filter. At present to counter water-borne diseases what man needs are awareness & concern and willingness to spend little bit of amount on water filters. Many water filter water purifier Suppliers companies have technologically advanced water filters in the market. Aquasana is a leading name in water filters throughout U.S.A. No other water filters can match the results of water filters of Aquasana. Aquasana water filters come in different shapes and sizes. Having water from Aquasana water filter is like having spring water at a small price. All the water filters come with a lifetime warranty.


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