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Make sure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date

A cat boarding facility can provide a handy service of taking care of your pet if you are going on a trip and you have no one to entrust your pet to. By boarding your cat, you can be confident that your feline can receive the best care it deserves while you are away. Once you have found the perfect cat boarding facility in Chapel Hill, it is time to prepare your feline for it. With proper preparation, you can be confident that your cat will feel  Wholesale Pet Bags Company comfortable while you are on a holiday or a business trip. Take note of these tips if you are thinking of boarding your cat:

Make sure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date – Vaccinations are necessary to keep your kitty healthy and less susceptible to catching or developing certain feline viruses, like panleukopenia, calicvirus, and rhinotracheitis. So, in case you have not done it yet, take your cat to the vet for FVRCP shots and to update its anti-rabies vaccine.

Take note of the medications your cat will need – In case your cat is taking any medication or special vitamins, be sure to prepare them and tell the staff at the cat boarding facility. That way, they can properly administer the medicines and vitamins on time. Let them know about your cat’s medical history, too.

Take note of your cat’s behavior – List down the things that may irritate your pet or make him or her happy. You may want to consider how your pet interacts with other cats, too. Do not worry if your cat is not friendly with other cats. The staff at the cat boarding facility will still keep him or her entertained with playtime.

Spend a lot of time with your cat – You will surely miss your cat, and he or she will miss you, too. So, be sure to spend some time with your cat before dropping him or her off at the boarding facility.

Bring your cat when it is tired – Cats tend to be hyper when suddenly introduced to strange surroundings. If they are tired and likely to fall asleep sooner, they are less likely to be traumatized by new surroundings. When they wake up, they may feel less shocked and they might find it easier to get used to being in the cat boarding facility.

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