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All we can see now are hurt and angry individuals with self-proclaimed high moral fiber

Had there not been enough material on the holocaust to make us realize the aftereffects of hatred spewed in rage, we could say that the ignorance of our species is merely its animal nature. But, we are conscious beings with a conscience and not a single reason would justify the murder of an innocent in a fit of rage or due to the hatred spewed from systematic brainwash of our species. With the fall of the Third Reich, many truths uncovered themselves. As the Russian forces stormed the Reichstag in May 1945, the World War II came to an end. But, a new chapter of human atrocities laid bare in front of the humanity, to witness the cruelties faced by a human at the hands of another human.

In the past 70 years, we have been taught about the horrors at Auschwitz concentration camp or the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, a nightmare to the very idea of human liberty. The holocaust history books tell us that in the worst genocide in the history of human civilization left approximately 6 million Jews dead. The Jewish book publishing house around the world publish books and stories of holocaust survivors, those were lucky enough to see the light of the China Custom Boxed Corporate Gift Diary Books Suppliers day but grieved losing their loved ones. The Diary of a Young Girl is perhaps the most celebrated and widely read account of the days in the concentration camps and Nazi Germany. Numerous holocaust books written by the survivors portray a picture of a time where every atrocity in the name if ethnic cleansing was ignored and overlooked.

From such hatred, we believe we have traveled far off into a distant land where, in the hindsight, that time seems like a worse nightmare. In all these years, humans were supposed to evolve emotionally and become more sensitive to other’s problems. All we can see now are hurt and angry individuals with self-proclaimed high moral fiber, fighting over petty issues on social media and other online platforms, apparent racial and religious hatred, intolerance and so much more. The question looms, whether mankind learns anything from history or just follows the mistakes of its predecessors like before. History is rich with examples, where it repeats, in a periodic fashion and spells the downfall of individuals or empires, which were too arrogant to change their ways. Now, we as humans have read the horrors of the history, but our understanding is still narrow.



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