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One of the most surprising dangers is that chlorine

It doesn’t matter how careful you are. Contaminated water still enters your home. Of course the level of contaminants in your water fluctuates, but there are certain basic steps you can take to make sure the water your family uses is clean and refreshing.One of the most surprising dangers is that chlorine, when heated to steam, easily vaporizes and becomes airborne. Chlorine molecules are readily absorbed by the lungs, and transferred to  12 stage shower filter Factory the bloodstream.

What this means is that the steam created by a nice hot shower, or even the dishwasher, is loaded with chlorine gas! Asthmatics and those that suffer from other respiratory illnesses may be at risk just by enjoying a hot bath or shower.Similarly, chlorine strips proteins from skin and hair, and leaves skin dry and flaky, and hair brittle and lifeless. Think of swimming in a public pool; often municipal water supplies use the same high levels of chlorine to treat the water. A whole house water filter purifies bath and shower water the same as it does drinking water.Your favorite clothing too, washed in harsh chemicals, can be worn out before its time. Even houseplants suffer from water that has not been filtered. The smell and taste of the water that comes out of the tap may seem inoffensive, but once you have compared it to properly filtered water you are likely to never want to go back.One option is to invest in an entire house water filter. Other options include making smaller investments, using filters on your faucets and refrigerators.Depending on the municipality’s treatment program, water that is supplied to homeowners is often heavily spiked with chemicals, and has high instances of mercury, copper and lead. Most concerned homeowners will consider a filter on the kitchen sink, or a refrigerator filter, in order to provide clean drinking water for their family. But without a whole house water filter, there are other issues to consider as well.

One of the main dangers, and most common chemical found in treated water, is chlorine. Most municipalities are careful to monitor chlorine levels in water, but what may be fine for a municipal board, could be shocking to the average citizen. Chlorine is an excellent bacteria killer, but it can also have a damaging effect on human organs. Families that are trying to encourage drinking more water as a health measure can be inadvertently exposing themselves to increased risk of chemical damage.


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