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Positive attitude and strength of character

The single “Never Wrote Those Words” and the proceeds that come from that release are a mark of respect for those servicemen whose courage and determination are a lesson to all of us.

Despite becoming disabled and unable to walk more than a few yards for the rest of his life Peter’s admiration for the positive attitude and strength of character of those whose injuries are far worse is immense and a truly humbling experience.

The single “Never Wrote Those Words – Help For Heroes” is released on iTunes anAmazon on 22nd March 2013 all funds to be donated to the UK charity HELP FOR HEROES who raise funds for wounded servicemen arriving back to the UK from conflicts abroad.

With the current governments drive to raise money by hitting the disabled, wounded and their families with savage benefit cuts it’s a good time to raise awareness of these issues and how badly the disabled and armed forces feel about Sterile medical yellow cap disposable insulin syringe with needle Company how they are treated. Musician and Songwriter Peter Sanford Fundraiser “Never Wrote Those Words”

The songwriter and musician Peter Sanford, disabled in an accident in 2009, release a tribute single to the servicemen he encountered during his rehabilitation.

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