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This is the umpteenth wake-up call for the government

November was an unusual month for manufacturing with several festive holidays and the unprecedented floods in Chennai shutting down production at several units, which are among the reasons for poor production figures. Monies stuck in litigation and tax disputes must be unlocked on a war footing.2 per cent after a high of 9..The IIP figures released Tuesday reveal that the consumer goods sector showed insipid growth because rural consumption was not strong. It is hoped the government takes this seriously. Economic adviser Arvind Subramanian has called for a focus on agriculture in the coming Budget.3 per cent and includes China slack adjuster food products, textiles and wood and wood products. The government must take steps to meet the expected shortfall, particularly in pulses, so that the prices of food items do not rise further.4 per cent in November was not totally unexpected considering the deficient monsoon and a bad start to the rabi season. The steep fall in manufacturing, down 4.

This is the umpteenth wake-up call for the government for a more rational agricultural policy, a more farmer- and farm labour-oriented policy.The wild swing in the figure for industrial production in November at a negative -3. The investment-oriented sectors, which fell 8. The government has been taking several measures, like importing pulses when necessary, but states like Maharashtra will have to take more stringent action against traders and hoarders.6 per cent in December over 5. The CPI is still within the Reserve Bank of India’s comfort zone but it is necessary to be alert as this is the fifth consecutive month that the CPI has risen.8 per cent in October came as a surprise, though the rise in the consumer price index to 5.Other major sources of concern are the fall in growth of consumer-oriented and investment-related sectors. The former fell 2. Industry chamber Assocham has brought to the government’s notice the fact that Rs 4 lakh crore to Rs 5 lakh crore is locked in disputes, and that if even 40 per cent of this is released it would help banks clean up their balance sheets, to a large extent, and allow companies to think of fresh investments. The RBI would like households to be able to save, but they can do so only if food prices remain within reasonable limits.There is no doubt the government is aware of investments not coming in because companies are highly leveraged and unable to borrow and have 30 per cent idle capacity.4 per cent, will become a source of worry if it continues in December.7 per cent, include basic metals, electrical machinery, etc. But how long is this situation going to continue The government has undertaken various reforms to make doing business easier though a lot still needs doing at the state level


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