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appreciate the value of having a plan to make

Use examples. So is our modern culture. Once you decide that you are going to make honesty a priority in your home, look for ways to incorporate truthfulness in your everyday life.This second point flows naturally from the first point.2. Be consistent.While we can’t make our children tell the truth at every turn, we can have a major influence in their moral development. Honesty must be valued. Until truth telling is simply second nature.If you find you have trouble being consistent in your own honesty and you’d like to change that, help yourself consider new points of view by studying religious and philosophical books on the subject.Such deliberate character training is sure to help your kids start down a solid pathway of honesty. This type of activity is invaluable in creating the culture of honesty we talked about above.

That’s success!Here’s a simple 4 point plan for encouraging your kids to develop the lifelong habit of honesty. Movies, songs, television shows and the local newspaper show the consequences of people who have not decided to be honest in a variety of ways. To foster discussion, you can ask that each member of your family notice one act of honesty or dishonesty each day and be ready to discuss that information at the dinner table.Literature is filled with examples of both honesty and dishonesty. Do you believe there is ever a time to tell a lie that’s acceptable? What ethics are involved in that decision? Is that decision made for your benefit or for the benefit of others?These are difficult questions, but wrestling with them will clarify your own position on honesty and ready you to help your child work through these same ethical issues as they grow. Period.If you are not valuing telling the truth in your family, neither will your children. It is what you do, far less than what you say, that carries weight with your children.Teaching your children to tell the truth is not a one time conversation.

So if teaching your children to tell the truth is a high priority for your family, you can use this simple 4 point plan to keep your parenting focused on creating a culture of honesty by valuing the trait, being consistent and incorporating life examples into your family’s daily routine.Are your children honest? Can you trust them to be truthful with yourself and others? If you believe that teaching 21 Pcs Swirl sleeve transfer sleeve children to tell the truth is important, then you can appreciate the value of having a plan to make that goal a reality. Learn to observe when people are telling the truth and when they are lying.4. This is a lifestyle decision which means you will need to examine your own actions in light of being honest.And once they start down a pathway of truthful habits, those habits get stronger and more deeply ingrained each passing year. Develop a culture of honesty.Talk to your kids about these examples.

Start a discussion with other parents like yourself who want to bring up their children in a conscientious manner also.This seems obvious, but here is what I’ve seen happen time and time again. We can make honesty the only interesting, smart and appealing choice for our kids. If you value honesty, you will make being honest a priority each and every day. Help your kids to think about how they feel when someone is dishonest with them.. Instead of only focusing on behavior that involves lying, emphasize truthful behavior everywhere you see it. This will show both you and your child how vital a foundation of truthfulness is in daily living and that throwing the occasional lie in the mix is like throwing a wrench into a smoothly running machine, causing problems far more difficult to solve than the original issue.


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