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Stand near the elevator door to prevent others from entering

The eyes can be moved down appropriately, limited to the mouth and neck.Take the elevator [Case] ​​One day, a guest floor took the hotel sightseeing elevator to get down to the lobby. ④ Try to stand in a ‘concave’ shape in the elevator. When taking the elevator with others ◆ Take the escalator: stand on the right side, acute on the left ◆ Etiquette to be shared when taking the elevator: (1) Take elevator A with your boss. ◆

The more you take the elevator from the inside, the more honorable you are, so you can let the elderly or your elders stand in this position. ⑥ Never smoke. In order to serve the boss when opening and closing the elevator. When the elevator door was opened on the third floor, the staff found that there seemed to be no people coming to the birthday party on the third floor. After drinking or eating garlic, it is best to chew a piece of gum and then go to the elevator, and cigarettes should be extinguished before entering the elevator. ⑤ The person in front should stand to the side, if necessary, go out first so that others can go out. If you are pregnant or sick, you should let them go first. When the elevator is suspended for some reason during the lifting process, be patient and don’t risk climbing. Say, ‘Here you are, please come first!’ When the guest got out of the elevator, he stepped out of the elevator immediately and guided the direction of travel enthusiastically.

For your convenience and the convenience of others, when carrying fish, meat, and other items, keep them tightly wrapped and place them in the corner of the elevator as much as possible to prevent them from being caught on others. C. When entering an unmanaged elevator, you should go first and then come out; go first to control the elevator and come out to control the elevator. So the staff changed the button on the third floor. E.

When the Elevator Operation panels reached the hotel’s administrative office floor, they walked into two employees in hotel uniforms who were preparing to go to their monthly birthday party. (4) Nine elevator bad habits ① Stand near the elevator door to prevent others from entering and exiting; ② Stand facing the door with your back facing other people in the elevator; ③ Do not enter and leave the elevator in sequence, cut in line, or even bump into others; ④


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