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Our parents and grandparents were a part of the reuse it

We get $3.5. In Europe many hotels have motion detectors in the hallway that turn on the lights only when someone enters the hallway and elevators that start running only when someone approaches them rather than all the time. Refit your home and business premises for energy savings. So is a Facebook Pay Per Click ad. Some electronics use 25% of their power when in standby mode. Recycle used ink cartridges at your local office supply for credit on new cartridge purchases. Turn off all computers and copiers when not is use and shut off the power at the source.8. Best of all, these saving ideas can tenau elevator survive even when the economy improves and your business recovers.00 off on each new one. There was also an attractive tax credit we received that offset a good portion of the sale price.3. We cut our gas bill in half with a new hybrid Camry that gets 36 mpg. Share advertising costs with a company in an associated industry. Join an online forum in your industry to see what others in your niche are doing to cut costs. When resources get scarce, we find ourselves reanalyzing how to cut costs and save money.The good news is all downturns are temporary. If things really get tough, you may be forced to outsource some positions that used to be handled in is free. Check Ebay for bulk items, office equipment and supplies. This can be easily done by plugging the computers and copiers into a surge protector. Cant give a raise? One company we know found a local gym that gave excellent discounts to employees. If you have a business that has a fleet of cars, when the time comes, switch to hybrids. A beauty shop could align an ad with a spa or clothing store. Shop at the wholesale clubs and share costs of office supplies, cleaning supplies and paper products with your business neighbors. Barter.12. A virtual assistant can type letters, do data entry, marketing campaigns, graphic design and some are capable with bookkeeping processes.With the above tips, you can save needed capital, educate your employees about cost savings and get through the tough times.4.Our parents and grandparents were a part of the reuse it, nondisposable generations.9. By working together we have a better chance of survival as business owners. Google Virtual Assistants in your town to find an independent contractor to provide administrative services as needed.13 Tips To Save Money During Tough Times1. If your business offers a product or service appropriate for barter, ask a supplier if there are any trade possibilities. Recycle, reuse. You only pay when someone is interested enough to click on your ad and you can set a maximum daily budget. Some local restaurants or sandwich shops may give employee discounts.10. For example, a real estate China Elevator Supplierscompany may share ad costs with a title company or appraiser.13. An accounting firm could line up with a law firm. Or join a barter association where you offer your products or services and gain points to trade for other products or services.6. There is no longer any stigma attached to reusing printed paper and printing in house documents on the backside of the paper for cost savings.7. Best of all, you only pay them for work performed and most will work off site.When times are tough, we need our neighbors more.2. Stop those air leaks, turn off the lights when leaving the room.11. Add more value to employee jobs. There isa frugal movement taking place in our country now and it has been a long time coming. Need advertising? Craigslist. Contact the International Virtual Assistant Association (IVAA) for someone local with proper credentials.

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