Archivos » Categoría ‘Sin categoría’

A hydraulic system with a remote machine room

Jueves, mayo 14, 2020

The percentage of Americans with mobility issues is on the rise. Besides loss of independence, disability issues make it difficult for people to move around their own multi-level homes. Once considered a luxury, home elevators are now a welcome addition […]

Our parents and grandparents were a part of the reuse it

Martes, abril 28, 2020

We get $3.5. In Europe many hotels have motion detectors in the hallway that turn on the lights only when someone enters the hallway and elevators that start running only when someone approaches them rather than all the time. Refit […]

Sometimes even a much-needed trip to the restroom is postponed

Jueves, abril 23, 2020

In addition, this study was conducted in the colder seasons. Sometimes even a much-needed trip to the restroom is postponed for the sake of avoiding the walk of what seems like burning coals. In the past, I have also shared […]

¡Ya soy parte de la Comunidad iNGENET!

Jueves, marzo 5, 2020

INGENET es un espacio que te permite crear perfiles, blogs y grupos. Ahora estoy a punto de publicar mi primera entrada en donde hablaré de lo último en ingeniería e infraestructura. ¡Te invito a visitar mi blog!