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The best way to reach for happiness is to make others happy

So be happy. Simplify your life. The best way to reach for happiness is to make others happy, especially if the person can’t do anything for you. So reach out to friends. Give away what you don’t need. Exercise should be part of your daily life. Enjoy the sunlight and fresh air. Now serotonin convinces your brain that you feel wonderful, even if you don’t have any obvious reason to.’Nuts like almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts create higher level of serotonins in the brain. Move your body to music when you watch TV. But scientific studies tell us that keeping in touch with family and friends and close relationships has the greatest protective effect on health. Clear your office table. Contentment is the path to true happiness. Get rid of clutter. Plan to meet and enjoy the wonder of life.The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness MantrasDT26. This will boost your metabolism and enhance your mood. Get off your chair — walk.Make your environment clean and calm. Enjoy the happiness of the recipients. It is good for your world. Happy people spread their feelings like fragrance around them. Go out into the garden. Anticipating happy events improves your day: A book to read, a play to watch, a friend to meet.Happiness is a God-given right. (Representational image) China DIN935 HEX NUT Suppliers Happiness is an inside job. Those married with stable families are happier… Maintain close bonds with your family. Religion makes people 82 per cent happier.Finally, HOPE: help one person everyday. Studies show that, ‘Conservatives are twice as likely to be happy. Also, studies show that happiness leads to a long life, health resilience and good performance.The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras Happy people spread their feelings like fragrance around them. Your health is affected by many things. Plant seeds, prune the plants. Plan fun events in the future. Optimistic, productive people are more likely to be happy.Being happy is good for the world


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