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The Restaurant For The Cuisine Of The Nation

The sun was beating down hard on all us tourists, the same way it would have had beaten down on those who breathed their last at this place. My tuk-tuk guy was named Rocky. He recommended the ‘river fish stew’ and warned that most tourists can’t handle the spiciness nor the coconut milk in the stew. Some were accused of being Vietnamese or American spies, some tried to flee the country and some were murdered just because they spoke English. It was just the largest and most well preserved. In the 1970s, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge overthrew the government and replaced it with a totalitarian rule.

Unlike carbonated sugar drinks, it is quite difficult to  hedge shears Manufacturers adulter coconut water. Angkor Wat Cambodia shares a lot of its history with India. So, my first stop was what was known as The Killing Fields. If someone were to ask for a description of Cambodia, I would say that it doesn’t have many tourists, it has food that is weird enough to be exotic, yet familiar enough to be appetising.Kids at The Killing FieldsThe problem with a poor country wanting to commit mass genocide is the lack of resources.Cambodia main roadAncient Tamil at Angkor WatIn accordance to someone who calls themselves a foodie, I asked the restaurant for the cuisine of the nation.Vinay is a stand-up comedian and English teacher.Siem RiepAngkor Wat is both a national monument and a national symbol of Cambodia, as well as appears on the flag. While on the hunt for coconut water at the market, I found a restaurant which served something even better — ice cold coconut water. Five minutes later I was served the traditional Kerala ‘meen curry’. Forgoing other ’90s movie references, I went inside the main temple.

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