Archivos » Categoría ‘Sin categoría’

The cost of cleaning the coast is estimated at 3 million

Martes, febrero 23, 2021

A better goal, according to her, would be “to say that France will reduce its consumption of plastic” by a certain percentage..This plastic pollution, besides its impact on fauna and flora, has a significant cost, warns the report: the impact […]

This even made my books dirty at times

Miércoles, febrero 3, 2021

Though protests are lodged on social media platforms, are we really doing anything to stop these hazards? The answer will be a big blatant ‘No’. A small initiative can lead to greater results. “I’m associated with Nirbhaya Shelter Home as […]

So I switched to using containers we already had

Jueves, enero 28, 2021

“My husband and I started the company after we started freaking out because we couldn’t find anything in our closet; it was so full of plastic-wrapped clothes. And like a growing number of companies, The Green Garmento has a take-back […]

This can potentially be used to target anyone in the country

Jueves, enero 21, 2021

“Once we have the necessary data, we will conduct a full investigation and take appropriate action,” Sandvine said.”I do not wish to spend the rest of my life with the regret of having been a part of (Turkish President Recep […]

The developers of PfSPZ are aiming for efficiency

Jueves, enero 14, 2021

In the vaccinated group, “only” 66 percent were infected. The highest dose conferred up to 100 percent immunity, a 2013 report said.A previous trial with the irradiated version saw 44 trial volunteers given five shots, each with up to 135,000 […]

The project acts as a calibration and validation

Miércoles, enero 6, 2021

Last year, a giant floating barrier five years in the making was launched off the coast of San Francisco, as part of a $20-million project to clean up a swirling island of rubbish between California and Hawaii.In 2018, a first […]