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This technique is very effective

This technique is very effective in releasing tightness in the upper back. Now, lay your hands out on either side, palms down for a deeper massage on the back. Foam rolling can be used by people at all fitness levels. If the position is too deep and is causing more discomfort, then change positions as follows: Fold the upper leg and rest the knee of the upper leg on the remaining length of foam roller in front of you.. Now, roll over the foam roller from central back to top of the back. Sit on the corner of the foam roller to start with, so that the entire spine from top to bottom is well supported. Pause for a few seconds at any point where you feel soreness and then continue rolling till you feel relief. Foam roller is a great way to release muscle tightness before workouts and for a self massage to relieve yourself from the sweet pain of soreness after workouts. Get the feet off the floor.


Bring your elbows closer together and lift your hip off the floor. Pause at any point where you feel soreness for a few seconds before moving on and repeating the rolling. Take care not to go towards the lower back — roll from central to upper back only. Here are four simple foam roller steps for pre and post workout sessions.Upper backPlace the foam roller below your central back and support your neck with both the palms. Bring both arms outwards so that they form a T along with your body and take the palms out and face them towards the ceiling and hold this position.SpinePlace the foam roller along the length of your spine. Support the upper body with the elbow similar to a side plank. Next, place your palm in front of you on the floor for further support. Next, stretch the arms above the body and maintain the position. China nonwoven car wipes support the upper body on the elbows and then lift the toes off the floor.


Often, knots, also known as “trigger points” are formed in the muscles and by rolling over these points with the foam roller, similar to a massage, one can release the muscle tension. Come into a plank position over the foam roller i.e. By applying pressure at specific points of the body, using a foam roller, one can release muscle tension and aid in recovery of muscles. This can be done pre and post workouts. Now, roll all the way to the top of the thigh. Keep the feet firmly planted on the floor. Foam rolling, also known as self-myofascial release is a way to release muscle tightness using “self massage”. When rolling over tight or sore muscles, one is likely to feel some discomfort, similar to that experienced while stretching, and post foam rolling, one should feel better.


QuadsPlace the foam roller just above the knees, supported under both legs. Now, roll from the point above the knee all the way to the top of the thigh.IT BandSupport the side of the leg, above the knee, on the foam roller and stack one leg over the other. Roll over the trigger point to release the tension. You may feel some discomfort at a specific location on the side of the leg which is radiating to the hip or all the way down to the leg and this indicates that you have touched a trigger point.Have you been feeling a lot of tightness or soreness in the body after your workout routines Foam rolling can be your answer. The writer is a personal trainer, virtual fitness consultant and group fitness instructor


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