Imagen de avatar China Heavy Duty Hand Riveter for sale
Tangwen Tools Co., Ltd

The procedure reconstructed a thumb and a finger

But thanks to a rare toe-to-hand transfer surgery, he has regained function of his right hand. A lot of children have been saved by surgeries that gave them hope for a normal life. Virendra is Heavy Duty Hand Riveter Manufacturers very active in studies and his keenness to hold a pen kept his father going as he approached several hospitals for the boy’s treatment..New Delhi: Life after losing both hands in an unfortunate accident can be an ordeal for a 10-year-old but thankfully there are enough ways to help people out of such situations.Virendra had suffered burns on his chest and abdomen while his arms were amputated due to gangrene. His right hand had a little palm on which the two toes were transplanted.Virendra Singh from Delhi lost his hands after suffering burns while bathing and his life turned miserable since he was unable to most things.The procedure reconstructed a thumb and a finger from his toes and restored blood circulation.


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