Imagen de avatar China Heavy Duty Hand Riveter for sale
Tangwen Tools Co., Ltd

This is made possible through the use of multiple

The cited source says that the new technology might come on the next series of smartwatch by the company. According to LetsGoDigital, the sensor can project movements in four directions around the watch which will enable users to draw gestures even in the air. However, users need to keep in mind that their hand is aligned at the level of sensors to use it as a trackpad. Additionally, gestures such as double-clicking, long-press and multiple finger-gesture can also be used to operate the smartwatch.

This is made possible through the use of multiple ultrasonic or infrared sensors.The new technology will apparently enable users to write on their hand back.After getting approval for a touch-sensitive bezel patent, Huawei now holds a unique gesture control method for smartwatches.Moreover, the sensor can even detect when you start and stopped writing. As of now, there is no official confirmation by Huawei. It appears that the Chinese company might solve the problem of interacting with small screens and the difficulty to operate tiny Heavy Duty Hand Riveter Suppliers smartwatches. Writing something on the back of the hand can be seen on the smartwatch’s display.


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