Archivos » Categoría ‘led street lamp’

The consequence is that it is flashed and it is not bright

Lunes, junio 6, 2022

In general, LED lamps are not easily damaged and energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The main reason is that the filter capacitor fault 1. LED light and LED driver power supply do not match, normal single-legged 1 W lamp, current at: […]

Then connect the power interface and screw the appropriate device screw

Lunes, abril 18, 2022

Then connect the power interface and screw the appropriate device screw.The negative track spotlight groove not only adheres to the original integrity of the ceiling, but also increases the true texture of the decorative surface. However, the plan without the […]

LED is actually a kind of light-emitting diode

Viernes, febrero 11, 2022

How to waterproof: In order to improve the waterproof treatment of solar street light controllers, most of the street light controllers are installed in lampshades and battery boxes. Both light-emitting diodes and ordinary diodes are composed of a PN junction, […]