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The Dell study in partnership with Greyhound Research

The Dell study in partnership with Greyhound Research found that over 90 per cent of enterprises have experienced disruption, and 26 per cent don’t know what their industry will look like in three years. They recognise that envisioning and measuring outcomes is a critical success factor to ensure continued relevance to global markets said Sanchit Vir Gogia, chief analyst and CEO, Greyhound Research.. Eighty-six per cent of them however are relying on system integrators, value added re-sellers, consultants and other partners to help them on their digital journey. Significantly it is Reflectives Sheeting Manufacturers the demand of the customers in India that has transformed over half the enterprises in India who are digital leaders today; while 42 per cent are feeling the pressure from their own C-Suite(a widely-used slang term to collectively refer to a corporation’s most important senior executives).Sixty-three per cent of large businesses in India are scrambling to invest in IT infrastructure & digital skills to compete with start-ups who are posing a threat to traditional businesses and 62 per cent are planning to invest over 30 per cent of their 2016 IT budget in transformation projects. Nine in 10 have witnessed the entrance of new competitors as a result of digital technologies. The obstacles that companies face on the digital transformation journey include immature digital culture (33 per cent), lack of budget and resources (30 per cent) and 32 per cent noted that the lack of right tech


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