Archivos de abril, 2020

The Dell study in partnership with Greyhound Research

Miércoles, abril 29, 2020

The Dell study in partnership with Greyhound Research found that over 90 per cent of enterprises have experienced disruption, and 26 per cent don’t know what their industry will look like in three years. They recognise that envisioning and measuring […]

They are ideal for all the expected unexpected emergencies

Miércoles, abril 22, 2020

They are ideal for all the expected unexpected emergencies involving small cash shortages. You only have to submit a form and your loan will be transferred into your account in no time. You can t afford the trouble of looking […]

he stellar performance of InfrasoftTech across

Miércoles, abril 8, 2020

In the Domestic SLT-India 2019, InfrasoftTech ranked perforated vinyl1 in the Digital Banking & Channels for (AI-based omnichannel & open banking platform), Univius (Universal RegTech Solutions) and Finairo(Core Banking Solutions) thereby enabling the company to win several global mandates. It further reaffirms our […]