Archivos » Categoría ‘Ingenet’

“Computación Forense: Las nuevas aventuras de Sherlock Holmes”

Lunes, junio 24, 2013

Ana Lilia Careaga Mercadillo, Junio de 2013 Abstract The world of crime is a very complex place. Crime takes place in schools, at homes, at workplace, shopping centres, motor vehicles, or on the streets, and, increasingly, even more on the […]

Oracle: Una Base de Datos con Mitología Griega

Viernes, agosto 26, 2011

Oracle (in ancient Greece, someone in touch with the deities; from Latin, oraculum or divine announcement) is one of the most important leading supplier of software in the world for information management systems but it is best known for its sophisticated relational database products (notably Oracle 9i up to Oracle 11 g), which are used in Fortune 1000 corporations and by many of the largest Web sites.

El increíble mundo de las apps: “Telmex Apps”, “Google Apps” y “Apple Apps”

Martes, abril 26, 2011

Ana Lilia Careaga Mercadillo Abstract The emergence of a new ecosystem that could have a significant impact on the larger overall economy, named “apps”, those silly  little applications that  do a little bit of something in your smartphone, tablet or […]

“Quora” : La red social estrella del momento

Lunes, abril 4, 2011

The biggest social media hit of 2011 will be Quora which is now considered as the new kid on the block that has captured the attention of alpha geeks and early adopters. Quora is a collection of questions and answers that is created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.

“Opera” y “Google Chrome”: Mejores opciones para navegar en la Red

Viernes, marzo 18, 2011

Once I read that: “The Web is your browser”, and it is true indeed. Most Internet users probably remember the days when Internet and Netscape navigator competed for every single user. Internet Explorer was eventually victorious as it became the most widely used Internet browser. Internet users are well aware of Internet Explorer’s mistakes and standard compliance problems.